Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dad's Boots!

Chris got some new snow boots and, seeing as how Connor
is obsessed with wearing his own boots, he was super
excited to try on Daddy's. They are as tall as his whole leg!

"Killer boots man!"

Posing for the camera:) For some reason he
thinks he needs to squat down when he poses.
I think it's because we are usually squatting down
to his level.

My Helper, My Mom

I've pretty much been MIA the last two weeks, blogging
and otherwise, because I was down and out with a really
bad respiratory virus. It was the worst and longest sickness
I can remember having ever, let alone since I've had an almost
two-year-old to chase around. Thank goodness, my Mom
was able to come out for most of the two weeks and help with
Connor and the millions of other chores I was neglecting. I
don't think I would have survived without her and of course
my selfless, doting husband:) A BIG Thank You to you both
and everyone else who helped us through the last couple weeks.

Here's Connor and my Mom getting some fresh air.
They were playing out back and he came in to get
"his" chair . He set it by Mee-maw and then (you can't
really tell in the pic) he worked hard to get his legs
crossed, just like hers. So cute:)

Zamboni Ride!

One of Chris's patients owns the ice rink here in town
and offered a ride on the zamboni to Connor during
one of the hockey games. We knew Connor would love
that so Chris and my Dad took him. What a special treat!

Cleanin' the ice

Connor and Daddy