Thursday, June 25, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

We went over to Evergreen for Father's Day. We
got to see lots of family which is always fun, and we
were there for the annual Rodeo Parade. Connor
loved the parade!

Here's Connor taking his first pony ride.

Sittin' with Papa

Hands full and a sucker in his mouth... too much fun!

Jumping on the trampoline at my Mom and Dad's.


Another Hike With Daddy

Chris and Connor went on a hike to Dinosaur Hill
which is right here in Fruita. Here's a few pics from
their outing.

All about the hike.

Connor Lee

On the trail.

Taking a break.

8 Little Tractors All In A Row...

Connor loves his tractors and here he lined them all

So proud:)

Good work Buddy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


We all know the times when the kids are being
just a little too quiet for a little too long... well we've
had a couple of those times lately, and here is what
Connor Lee was up to...

Getting into his easel paint in the laundry room.

"See Mom, there's more mess on the floor over there."

Mommy's bathroom cabinet. He was just "lining"
everything up...

then a bottle got opened and spilled.
"Yucky hands Mommy!"

25 Week Baby Belly

Here I am, about 25 weeks along. Feeling
pretty good and also pretty big already:) I
know I have a LONG way to go too. She's
definitely moving a lot which is just as fun
the second time around.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bye-Bye Binky!

We said it at six months, we said it at one year,
then two years, well now it's GONE! While Chris
and Connor were on their hike, Chris thought it
would be a good time to let Connor toss his beloved
Binky into the river. He did, and that was that. It's
been two days now, and so far so good. He's asked
about it a lot, but we just remind him that it went
bye-bye in the river and that big boys don't need
binkys. He's ok with that answer. Our baby is so
not a baby any more... bittersweet times:)

Hanging Lake

Austin and Laura came over for a visit,
and on the way home, wanted to hike
Hanging Lake in Glenwood. I skipped
this one, but Chris and Connor went along.

Ready to go

Up at the lake

Daddy and Connor

Connor Lee

Behind the falls

Austin and Laura crossing the stream

It rained on the way down but Connor didn't mind!
So cute:)

A Visit To The Farm

We went over to Denver last week and had a chance
to go see my Grandpa Paul. It was a beautiful
day, and there was so much for Connor to enjoy.

Grandpa's barn

Feeding the chickens

My Grandpa took in six baby chicks that his
teacher-neighbor had hatched in her classroom.
They were precious and Connor LOVED them!

Being gentle to the birdies;)

Grandpa gave us a ride in the tractor trailer,
then Connor got to "drive"

Visiting the horses

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pregnant In Vegas

Ok, so maybe not the best combination, but
Chris and I still managed to have a great little
get-away to Las Vegas last weekend. Some friends
were getting married there so I decided to surprise
Chris (which I totally pulled off!) with a vacation.
Connor stayed home with my Mom and Dad, which
was so helpful:) Thank you, thank you Mom and Dad!
That was the longest we have left Connor, and we missed
him a lot, but it was nice to eat in peace, sleep in, and
even catch a movie!

Where we stayed, the Luxor. And yes, the windows
in the rooms ARE slanted just like the pyramid:)

Fountains at the Bellagio

Chris and I, New York New York in the


At Caesar's Palace for the wedding

Jonathan and Crystal after their "I-do's"!!


Chris in the pool at our hotel

Fun in the sun