Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Ellis #2.....

Today, the day we've been waiting for, is
it a he or a she? The truth will reveal itself...
or NOT! That's right, baby Ellis was not
feeling very revealing today, so our little mystery
is still just that. We still don't know if we're having
a boy or a girl! Those little legs just stayed
tightly crossed the whole time!

We were quite disappointed because we've
been anticipating this day, BUT, praising
GOD that all of the other important checks
(brain, heart, spine, arms and legs) looked
perfect. The baby is healthy and whole,
just a little modest:)

They said most people in this situation wait
until 28 weeks when you can have a 4D
ultrasound performed to have a better chance
of determining the gender. I'm 19 weeks now.
So again, we wait... I'll get some of the
ultrasound pics and a belly pic up in the next
couple of days. That's all for now!


The Casseday Clan said...

I am so sorry you couldn't find out! I was sooo looking forward to hearing what you were having, so I can't imagine how anxious you were. You're right least everything else is fine with little Ellis. Thanks for the update!

Rosanne said...

Oh my gosh, the little stinker! But like you said - at least all other parts were great! I'll be excited to hear when you do find out.