Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Has It Been Six Weeks Already?!!

So, it has been pretty crazy around our house for
the past six weeks or so! We are enjoying our new
precious angel, still not getting much sleep, and gearing
up for the holidays. Cora is almost 6 weeks old, hard
to believe. She is growing like a weed and has so far
kept all her thick black hair:) Connor is doing great
with her. He gives her snuggles and kisses all the time
and tries to help sooth her with her binky or a blankey
when she's fussing. We have so many pictures of this
last month, so I tried to narrow it down a little with
some of the main happenings...

The first snow...

Cora at one month old...

We had the kids dedicated at our church and our
parents and my Grandpa were able to be there.
This is Grandpa trying to reign in Connor for a
picture... not much luck with this crazy kid!

A little more mellow baby sister...

All of us at the church.

Cora and Connor snuggling.

Connor getting some special Daddy time doing a
project at Home Depot.

Connor brought Cora some of his favorite
things to comfort her. I love the look on her face.

Reading a story to his baby sister:)

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

Wow, can't believe it's been 6 weeks already too! She sure is a cutie! And I love how Connor reads to her and comforts her - what a great big brother! You all look great. :) We miss you guys!