Monday, October 25, 2010

Halfway Hike

My friend Kristin and I attempted a late afternoon hike to Micah Mine with the kids. It was slow going with the little ones and we were worried about the sun going down (ummm...still not used to this fall daylight shortage!) so we turned back before we made it to our destination. Oh well, it was still a fun time with good company.

Connor on the initial descent...

Connor and Cora (yes, another Cora!) collecting rocks. Connor's backpack weighed about as much as he did by the time we got back to the car!

My friend Kristin and her little guy, Peter. Peter and my Cora are only two days apart!

Friends... too precious!!

Me and my little hikers:)


The Casseday Clan said...

Man are you brave! Looks like a good time. That's so cute that Cora and Connor are holding hands.

Kristin said...

I wish the weather hadn't gotten so cold so fast. Now that my bruises are gone (!) I'm game to attempt it again...earlier in the day. :)